Bergamot Essential Oil

$ 13.50

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$ 13.50

Product details


100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils

Bergamot (Citrus Aurantium Bergamia Fruit) oil has a great aroma and therapeutic properties. With its citrus scent and a hint of a floral scent, this essential oil is unique and vibrant. This wonderful aroma is known for its ability to help boost the mind and ease your worries. But more than just a familiar scent or flavor, it can offer other benefits.

It is important to note that it can cause photo-toxicity, so avoid sunlight after applying it. It can also cause allergic reactions to skin-sensitive people. 


Bergamot Essential Oil may help with:

  • Stress reduction.

  • Speed up the healing process for cold sores, mouth ulcers, and herpes.

  • Reduces pain and inflammation.

  • For acne in people who do not have sensitive skin.

Applied topically: Mix bergamot with a carrier oil to use as a body lotion or for massage. Add two to five drops of Bergamot essential oil to products such as body wash, shampoo, and facial scrubs.

Diffuse: Use 4 to 7 drops of an essential oil diffuser to help promote a sense of self-confidence when you feel frazzled, or a sense of inner peace when feelings of stress abound.