79 products
79 products
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The Illustrated Book of Knights
$ 16.50
Unit price perThe Illustrated Book of Knights
$ 16.50
Unit price perA celebration of all things chivalrous, this fascinating book features page after page of colorful pictures of heroic knights, fair maidens, and deadly weapons. It recounts captivating tales of life as it really was a thousand years ago, among the Crusaders who followed Richard the Lionheart to the Holy Lands, as well as the much-loved legends of Camelot and King Arthur's Round Table.
Author and artist Jack Coggins wrote and illustrated several books on subjects ranging from space travel to underwater exploration. His expertise in arms and armor is reflected in the authenticity of these illustrations of medieval weapons. Coggins also provides an informed and lively perspective on the training, duties, and benefits of knighthood.
Pages: 112
Author: Jack Coggins
The Medieval Castle Coloring Book
$ 5.50
Unit price perThe Medieval Castle Coloring Book
$ 5.50
Unit price perThe residence of the local lord and the center of the community, the medieval castle was also a stronghold against enemy attacks. Virtually self-contained, this fortress had everything necessary to maintain the life of the lord and his family. In 29 detailed, ready-to-color illustrations, artist A. G. Smith focuses on the activities of castle life and how the heavily fortified structure functioned.
Included are detailed views of the castle’s main features: the moat, drawbridge, and portcullis (a heavy iron gate suspended by chains); strong tower, or keep; the Great Hall, the center of court life; a chapel, the castle’s spiritual center; spiral staircases built within thick tower walls; dungeons; and other areas. Here also are scenes of a lady doing needlework at a window seat, stable workers caring for their steeds, a fair held on castle grounds, a crossbowman atop an outer wall, a castle under attack, catapults hurling large missiles, and more.
Ideal for use at home or in the classroom, this fascinating book invites youngsters to have fun coloring while learning about life within a medieval castle.
The Wonder of Guadalupe
$ 16.50
Unit price perThe Wonder of Guadalupe
$ 16.50
Unit price perThis relatively short book is widely regarded as the best on the apparition of Our Lady in 1531 in Mexico City. Tells the complete story; from the Conquest of Mexico and the conversion of the Aztecs; through the development of the devotion and into the modern era. An enthralling story and an essential devotion for our times!
Author: Francis W. Johnston
The Soul of the Apostolate
$ 16.50
Unit price perThe Soul of the Apostolate
$ 16.50
Unit price perIn this age of relentless activity, it is easy for Christians, particularly those involved in good works, to fall into the pattern of the activist. But mere activity and material results are not sufficient for a successful apostolate. Dom Chartraud demonstrates that the very foundation of all apostolic work must be the Interior Life. The apostle of Christ will grow to become an instrument and true channel of God’s graces to the world only through prayer, meditation, and the cultivation of the Interior Life. When one is involved in works of spiritual or corporal charity, his work can only be efficacious when he anchors his Interior Life to in Christ. Without Christ, we can do nothing.
Author: Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard, O.C.S.O.
The Secret of the Rosary
$ 6.50
Unit price perThe Secret of the Rosary
$ 6.50
Unit price perProbably the finest book ever written about the Rosary; appeals to all ages. Shows the great spiritual power of the Rosary, which is appreciated by few. Tells why the Rosary is the most important private prayer. Canon William says of De Montfort's book, "It goes far beyond mere research. We might say that it contains everything that can be said about the Rosary -- its content and form, its real worth, about the instruction necessary for its appreciation and use." Over 5,300,000 copies printed!
The author of The Secret of the Rosary and the originator of total consecration to Mary, St. Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort (1673-1716) remains one of the greatest apostles of Marian devotion the world has ever known. As a young priest, De Montfort dedicated himself to preaching to the people. This highly gifted orator's language was simple but full of divine love, much as you will find in True Devotion to Mary. De Montfort's whole life was marked by constant prayer, love for the poor, and holy joy in humiliations and persecutions. De Montfort was canonized by Pius XII in 1947.
With Empty Hands: The Message of St. Therese of Lisieux
$ 14.50
Unit price perWith Empty Hands: The Message of St. Therese of Lisieux
$ 14.50
Unit price perThis is an entirely new edition and translation of Conrad De Meester's brilliant and moving presentation of the life, thought, and spirituality of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. The author has completely revised and amplified his previous book in the light of the new, thoroughly annotated editions of her own works and the many recent works of research and commentary, which have led him to develop and change some of his interpretations of the saint's life and character.
Fr. De Meester asks why and how this young girl, who asked to be admitted to the Carmel of Lisieux and persevered in her vocation to a hidden life in the small town of Normandy, is not only loved and invoked by millions of people but has become a profound influence on theology, spirituality and the missionary apostolate, culminating in her being declared a Doctor of the Church. He shows how the intuitions of her faith were achieved by growing from spiritual poverty to spiritual maturity through much suffering and despite many crises and reversals. This book reveals Thérèse as the saint of hope, whose constant watchword was "My God, I love you!"
Translated by Conrad De Meester, OCD
The Prayers of St. Therese of Lisieux
$ 12.50
Unit price perThe Prayers of St. Therese of Lisieux
$ 12.50
Unit price per"For me," wrote Therese of Lisieux toward the end of her life, "prayer is an aspiration of the heart, it is a simple glance directed to heaven, it is a cry of gratitude and love amid trial as well as joy; finally, it is something great, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites me to Jesus." Besides the countless spontaneous prayers found throughout her autobiography, letters, poetry, and plays, St. Therese left behind 21 additional independent prayers, from every period of her life, here collected for the first time. In this book, we find prayers to the Infant Jesus and the Holy Face, prayers to Mary and the saints, prayers composed in joy and sorrow, and prayers written for her novices and missionary brothers. All of them reflect the Saint's passionate love of God, which she wished to share with friends near and far. The highlight of this volume is the first critical text of Therese's famous "Offering to Merciful Love," fully annotated. Ample background materials explain the setting and significance of each prayer. Scholars will find here essential new information for the study of the Saint's doctrine; general readers will find this book an indispensable resource for learning to pray as Therese did. "It is prayer, it is the sacrifice which gives me all my strength; these are the invincible weapons Jesus has given me. They can touch souls much better than words."
Complete collection of Therese's independent prayers, translated from the critical edition, with 9 pages of photos.
Translated by Aletheia Kane, OCD
Words of Love
$ 14.50
Unit price perWords of Love
$ 14.50
Unit price perIntimate revelations of Our Lord to three 20th-century mystics: Sr. Josefa Menendez, Sr. Mary of the Trinity, and Sr. Consolata Betrone on a host of subjects. Surprising revelations on how and why Our Lord acts as He does toward people. Beautiful!
The Saint Andrew Daily Missal
$ 72.00
Unit price perThe Saint Andrew Daily Missal
$ 72.00
Unit price per- Complete with Vespers and the Kyriale in modern notation
- Hard-bound
- 5 multi-colored ribbon markers
- Contains over 1900 pages
- The Ordinary of the Mass printed with red rubrics
- Beautiful narrative of each feast day as well as spiritual and doctrinal notes
- Imprimatur 1945 - Reprint of the 1945 edition
The Nature, Dignity, and Mission of Woman
$ 14.50
Unit price perThe Nature, Dignity, and Mission of Woman
$ 14.50
Unit price perWho shall find a valiant woman? far and from the uttermost coasts is the price of her.
Women are attacked on all sides. One side of the attack finds its origin in Protestantism, in which women are sub-par creatures, not helpmates but slaves to men, never to develop the immense talents given by God. On the other side, far more common in our age, women are to remake themselves entirely into the strict imitation of men, breaking down all of the distinctions and differences that are the glory of women. But what is the solution? Are we stuck in one or the other?
This excellent work The Nature, Dignity, and Mission of Woman is a resounding cry by Fr. Karl Stehlin against both of these errors. Fr. Stehlin, a priest with over 25 years of pastoral experience, takes up his pen to examine, explain, and defend real femininity. This book, the fruit of a series of talks given to young ladies at a Catholic boarding school, will help all Catholics, but especially the young, rediscover the immense dignity of being a woman, as lived out in accord with the plan of God‰Û¡ó»s creation.
Topics Covered Include:
The Human Being is the Image of God
Union of Opposites
The Essential Vocation of Woman: Virgo, Sponsa, Mater, Icona Immaculata
Woman as Home-Maker
Woman‰Û¡ó»s Mission in Serving, Suffering, and Hoping
Today‰Û¡ó»s Problems
Preserving Her Beauty
Finding Her Vocation
The Specific Choice of a Husband
Much more!
This book is perfect for any woman or young lady who wishes to understand her important role as a Catholic woman created in the image of God and given a beautiful nature, dignity, and mission!
The Prayer of Love and Silence
$ 24.50
Unit price perThe Prayer of Love and Silence
$ 24.50
Unit price perCalm and spirituality—the true hallmarks of Carthusian writings—distinguish this book. The first part sets out the principles of the interior life; the second works out a method of prayer. There follow eleven sermons, originally given to monks in the chapter, which illustrate this approach. The final portion discusses the complex doctrine of the Trinity with extraordinary clarity. Broken into short chapters, the book is designed for personal reflection and meditation.
Author: A Carthusian
The Rule of St. Benedict, A Commentary by Rt. Rev. Dom Delatte
$ 37.00
Unit price perThe Rule of St. Benedict, A Commentary by Rt. Rev. Dom Delatte
$ 37.00
Unit price perDom Delatte's masterpiece on the Rule of St. Benedict. (softcover)
The Price to Pay
$ 16.50
Unit price perThe Price to Pay
$ 16.50
Unit price perDuring his military service, Muhammad, a young Muslim Iraqi from a leading Shiite family, discovers to his dismay that his roommate is a Christian. Muhammad tries to convert his roommate, but he is the one who is converted.
In Islam changing one's religion is a crime, and Muhammad's family does everything possible to make him renounce his new faith in Christ. After threats and blows come prison and torture. Muhammad, who has become Joseph by his baptism, experiences a long Calvary but does not give in. Finally, he is taken from prison by relatives who threaten to kill him if he does not resubmit to Islam. They shoot him and leave him for dead.
The Price to Pay is the true story of Joseph Fadelle's conversion to Catholicism. He risks everything, friends, his inheritance and home, and even his life to follow Christ. In a dramatic and personal narrative style, Fadelle reveals the horrible persecution endured by Christians living in a violent and hostile Muslim world.
The Spiritual Life and Prayer According to Scripture and Monastic Tradition
$ 25.00
Unit price perThe Spiritual Life and Prayer According to Scripture and Monastic Tradition
$ 25.00
Unit price perThe present treatise on prayer was first of all printed privately in the French language, and was intended exclusively for the instruction of the daughters of St Benedict. All souls, however, who are aiming at perfection may derive profit and edification from its pages. The spirit of the venerable Abbot Gueranger breathes through the whole work. What this distinguished man thought on the all-important subject of prayer, what he expressed in his conferences, and what he wrote in many parts of his classical work, "The Liturgical Year," is found here systematically arranged. Some of the chapters are real masterpieces.
-Mgr. Paul Leopold Haffner, Bishop of Mayence, September 10, 1896."
Spiritual Life and Prayer according to the Monastic Tradition, is a spiritual treatise on the soul's journey to God. Carefully considering the spiritual life as lived among the trials of the world, the Sacraments, the author considers who are the true worshipers of God and how we become such based on the testimony of Sacred Tradition and the Holy Fathers. Though it is a century old, being based on such timeless testimony it has not lost its luster.
The Rule of St. Benedict Paperback (English and Latin)
$ 20.00
Unit price perThe Rule of St. Benedict Paperback (English and Latin)
$ 20.00
Unit price perRule of St. Benedict in English and Latin (side by side)
"Remarkable for its discretion and its clarity." - St. Gregory the Great.
It was 594 when Pope St. Gregory the Great - himself a Benedictine - wrote this tribute to the little book which had shaped his life, and stands today as one of the cornerstones of religious life.
St. Benedict - credited with saving Western Civilization through his monastery system - adopted a remarkably common approach to growing in grace.
In part, St. Benedict was reacting to the extreme ascetical practices of the East where hermits starved themselves, went without sleep, and dressed in rags. Without minimizing the importance of that self-sacrifice, St. Benedict insisted that monks could not attend properly to their work and study, let alone their celebration of Mass and the Divine Office, if they were denied nutritious meals, ample rest, proper clothing - and daily structure.
The Benedictine historian, Dom David Knowles, wrote that in the Rule, St. Benedict created a new type of monastery, one that was "neither a penitentiary nor a school of ascetic mountaineering, but a family, a home for those seeking God."
If Benedict was comparatively lenient about disciplining the body, he was adamant about the need to subdue the will. His Rule emphasizes:• obedience • humility • fraternal charity • These virtues, once acquired, root out pride. Then, to the standard vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, St. Benedict added the vow of stability, in which a monk promised to remain in his monastery until death (unless his superiors sent him elsewhere). By this fourth vow, Benedict made each monastery a brotherhood, a family, in which each member works for the good of the whole.
Furthermore, each member of the monastic family found in the Rule a standard against which he could measure his every action. By being moderate and flexible in day-to-day concerns, but uncompromising in spiritual matters, St. Benedict's Rule has endured for 1,500 years as a living code, a guiding light that has shown untold numbers of religious men and women the path to holiness. No rectory, no religious house, and no Catholic family, should be without a copy of this seminal work.
Translated & Edited by - Abbot Justin McCann, O.S.B.
The Holy Bible (Douay Rheims, Burgundy Premium UltraSoft)
$ 54.00
Unit price perThe Holy Bible (Douay Rheims, Burgundy Premium UltraSoft)
$ 54.00
Unit price perTranslated between the years 1582 and 1610 and revised by Bishop Richard Challoner, this is the most accurate English translation of the Bible available today. It was the only Catholic translation of Scripture commonly in use for over 200 years and we maintain that it is still the best and safest version of the Bible in English. Translated with profound respect for every word, the beautiful style of the Douay-Rheims Bible will instill in the reader a deeper understanding of the Word of God. Annotations, references, and a historical and chronological index make it convenient for study as well as meditation. Includes updated full-color New Testament maps, and beautiful pictures depicting the life of Christ. Complete with Family record and Presentation pages. This beautiful Bible is available in a durable burgundy leather-soft cover, with gold edges and a ribbon marker.
Includes words of Christ in red.
The Holy Bible (Douay Rheims, Black Genuine Leather)
$ 59.50
Unit price perThe Holy Bible (Douay Rheims, Black Genuine Leather)
$ 59.50
Unit price perThe Douay-Rheims Version of the Holy Bible, translated between the years 1582 and 1610 and revised by Bishop Richard Challoner from 1749-1752, is the most accurate English translation of the Bible available today. It was the only Catholic translation of Scripture commonly in use for over 200 years and we maintain that it is still the best and safest version of the Bible in English. Translated with profound respect for every word, the beautiful style of the Douay-Rheims Bible will instill in the reader a deeper understanding of the Word of God. Annotations, references, and a historical and chronological index make it convenient for study as well as meditation. Includes updated full-color New Testament maps, and beautiful pictures depicting the life of Christ. Complete with Family record and Presentation pages. This beautiful Bible is available in a black genuine leather cover, with gold edges and a ribbon marker.
Includes words of Christ in red.
The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
$ 12.50
Unit price perThe Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
$ 12.50
Unit price perSt Catherine of Siena's Dialogue describes the entire spiritual life through a series of conversations between God and the soul, represented by Catherine herself. Readers of The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena, will find her revelations from God as informative - and formative - as those who recognized her sanctity during her life.
Author: St. Catherine of Siena
The Devotion to the Sacred Heart
$ 19.50
Unit price perThe Devotion to the Sacred Heart
$ 19.50
Unit price perTHE book on devotion to the Sacred Heart! Commissioned by Our Lord Himself through St. Margaret Mary and received, through her, His endorsement. Responsible for the early, rapid spread of the Sacred Heart devotion. Contains the Saint's life, her prayers to the Sacred Heart, the Sacred Heart Promises (far more than the famous "12 Promises"), and much, much more! Great!